Thursday, April 29, 2010


We are all home. It took about 10 days for the remainder of our family to be home altogether. In the meantime, we have had help via friends and family (bless you Lesli and Buffy!). I haven't really been great about texts and emails, so I apologize. There may be a chance I never catch up on them but I appreciate all of the emails, texts and comments. We have truly felt loved.

So here is the update. And I will write down these little people's birth story, so we have it recorded. But not right now. I will give a mini version. The c-section went incredibly well. It was scheduled and fast. I was able to watch these little people be born via a mirror my anesthesiologist held up for me. I have thought about that moment a lot in the past 10 days and it was incredible. Although I was only acquainted with my children via cravings and kicks to my bladder - we (Darren and I) were instantly infatuated. And very protective. We became PARENTS.

In the operating room, Lillian was struggling with transition - her skin wasn't turning bright pink with her breathing, so they whisked her away to be put on oxygen in the nursery with Darren and I stayed behind with Henry in recovery. It turned out in recovery that Henry's blood sugar was low and after a bit of testing, he was taken to the NICU for treatment and observation.

And that is where Henry has been. In the NICU for 10 days! Luckily it was quite a routine stay - for which we are very grateful. But for a Mom, 10 days seems like an eternity. It doesn't matter now because he is home with us safe and sound. He and his sister have already been practicing their sharing technique. They have already shared their crib and their swing. I figure we might want to start that early - that will be their reality for a very very long time!

Here they are! Lillian is on the left and Henry is on the right. He was so worn out from the hospital, that I snapped this picture right as he was falling asleep. Poor little guy - we are so relieved to have him home!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Henry Robert Harris
{currently in NICU}

Lillian Harris

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Things I am thankful for this morning - in no particular order:

1) Modern medicine
2) NICU nurses that watch over baby Henry
3) Nurses that tend baby Lily so Mommy & Daddy can sleep
4) Pain medicine
5) Crunchy ice
6) An early morning shower
7) Whole wheat bread and honey
8) Family - all sorts - brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents. Especially thankful for the photographer sister in laws :) thanks ladies!!!!
9) Aunt Lesli - who was Lily's first babysitter and who has fierce skills when it comes to burping babies.
10) Baby Lillian and baby Henry Robert - they are truly so much fun. Will post details of them later - but we are over the moon in love with these little guys!

I only have a picture of Lillian right now on my phone. Baby Henry is in the NICU. Will post photos soon!

-- Post From iPhone

Sunday, April 18, 2010

New Chapter

We are almost there. In less than 12 hours - Darren and I will be welcoming our babies and we will go from a family of 2 to a family of 4! It is so exciting, I am actually not sure how to process everything.

The last few days have been incredible. Physically uncomfortable, but very fun. Darren and I have gone on a few last dates - the last times we can go out without having to pay a babysitter. I have mostly laid down all day to make sure that we will be delivering these babies on the 19th when surgery is scheduled and not to press myself physically. Darren has waited on me hand and foot - I have been a very very lucky girl.

So this post would not be complete without some truly embarrassing pics. If you were ever curious about what a person who is 38.5 weeks pregnant with twins looks like - I am here to satisfy your curiosity.

In this picture I am holding my arm kind of awkwardly because I am trying to show the full belly girth. Wow. It looks like I stuffed a beach ball in my shirt. I am going to say this - I wish it were another type of ball - a basketball perhaps, maybe even a volleyball but I don't think I'll ever be the girl that has the pregnant volleyball stomach. I am more of the beach ball type shape. Sad and true.

My little brother asked me if I was pregnant with twins or if I had been eating small children on the street. I think he's right. It does look like I have been eating small children. I have had quite the appetite.

The 2nd image is me mustering up my last bit of energy to be kind of sassy. Hmmm. Just more sad looking than sassy, but I will say this - the belly looks a lot smaller when it is not a sideways silhouette.

Tomorrow we will have our newest family members' birthday. It will be a sweet day not just because we will become parents but it is also our niece Camille's birthday. It makes our day more special because we have an opportunity to share such a special day with such a special girl.

Wish us luck!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

That was Then - 2001

This is the next installment of That Was Then - the 2001 edition. This was a tricky year. It was a year of change. Looking back it was a year of firsts. It was the year I graduated from college and got my first REAL job. It was first time I travelled back to Europe since I left Portugal. It was my first big move after college where I moved to Huntington Beach and have lived for the last 9 yeas (can't believe I have been here that long). It was one of the first times I have looked at myself in pictures and not completely been ashamed of my past fashion choices. I think my bad "Bob" haircut of the late 90's taught me to try to choose a more simple look. Maybe someday I will post those pictures - just not sure if I brave enough. They are worse than pregnancy pictures. Trust me.

For instance - here I am in London, Summer 2001. I LOVED shopping there, especially at the Diesel store. And I am wearing a pair of Diesel jeans that until recently - I still had around. Not bad. :)

Now for the more serious segment - 2001 was the year my Mom passed away. It really was a first for our family. The first round of holidays, the first time I realized that she simply wasn't a phone call away. The first time I trusted that everything happens for a reason and the first time I really gave the term "eternal families" some serious thought. It was the first time that I realized that life doesn't end when you experience disappointment or grief, even though for a brief moment - I really really wished it would. And it was the first time that I realized that my Mom had given me all of the tools to survive. That I would be absolutely fine. I just had to keep on enjoying life. It was the first time that I realized I could really laugh and still be sad - that those two emotions could co-exist. It was the year that I came to cherish peace in my life.

Christmas 2001 - it was our first Christmas without our Mom - 1o of the 11 kids were able to make it home.

In a lot of ways - 2001 was the year that I felt like I became an adult, even though I was sadly 23 at the time. Most states consider people adults at 18, but I had found a way to escape that responsibility until that point. The truth is, I am glad for the things I learned in 2001 - they were some valuable lessons that sometimes take a lifetime to master.

I think about the little babies that I am growing - who at this point don't seem to be coming in the next few days and I can't blame them. They have their Grandma Brown (for those who don't know her, really is a fun time) and their sweet cousin Camille to entertain them - they are probably trying to maximize their time in heaven. I know if I was given the chance - I would too.

Right now - I am on the cusp of motherhood and I can't help but think of my Mom. In a lot of ways - 2010 will be our year of first time moments again. First time as a mother. First time staying up all night trying to feed, burp and diaper two babies. I hope I can channel some of her strength when I reach those - "Oh my gosh - I have 2 kids now" moments and remind myself that my Mom somehow raised 11 pretty good kids. Without a lot of the bells and whistles that I have outfitted myself with :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Waiting Game

Today I am 37.5 weeks pregnant with twins. I say this because it was "safe" to have the babies at 36 weeks. And here we are. Almost a week and a half later. I say we because Darren is on "HIGH ALERT" with his cell phone. Although April Fools has past, I call him probably once a day to tell him to head to the hospital to meet our babies - just to keep him on his toes. The bags are packed (mine and the babies' bag). I have my OB's cell phone number with the instruction - "if you feel labor pains call me and head to the hospital, no need to wait." Yet here we are - waiting.

I took this picture last week, these are Darren's hands on my belly (the belly is actually larger than it appears). I have a few pictures just to document. And let it be known, I do NOT look good in some of these photos. The rest of my body is not growing - but my belly is. I refuse to photoshop pregnancy pictures (by photoshop - I am referring to people who would alter their pregnancy pics to look a little more slim - shame on you!). I don't photoshop because this is the one time in our lives, it is pretty socially acceptable to put on weight. And at a certain point in life - you really just need to own it. So here I am - owning the belly and the tired face that comes with it.

35 Weeks
I see this picture and think - I should probably put on makeup. Or do my hair, but when you have a 10 lb bowling ball in your abdomen, you pretty much lose the desire to do much besides get dressed. You just stick to the basics.

36 Weeks
If at all possible - I look worse at 36 weeks than at 37. How did that happen? I was smiling but I have the puffy face, no make-up and it was late at night but I had procrastinated this picture, so I had Lexi take it quickly. Then we laughed really hard when we looked at it. I might look a little pathetic. The belly however is quite impressive. And about a week bigger :)

37 Weeks
This is the most recent picture. This was a great day. I slept in. Took a nap. Then ate food. Took another nap and still was on track for going to bed at a decent hour. Please notice how the belly has gotten bigger - if possible. And still WITHOUT stretch marks. I have a c-section scheduled on April 19th and it is a waiting game. What is going to show up first - the stretch marks or the babies? Only time will tell.

The doctor estimates that each baby is about 6.5 lbs but those numbers could be off by a pound. It made me a little sad because I was hoping each baby was at least 15 lbs each - to compensate for some of this weight gain. Right? Just kidding. However, I went to the doctor this week and I LOST 5lbs!!!! What? This is mainly because I have been diligent about my support hose and wrapping my feet at night. All water weight but hey - I will take any victory:)

This is my HOPE list this week:

1) I hope my babies can grow as much as possible, so they get here safely and can avoid a stay in the NICU.

2) I hope that they are healthy - don't care how much weight that it - I just hope their bodies are developed to what they need to be. I am hoping for very very strong lungs.

3) I hope I stop snoring after the babies are born so my husband can sleep in the same bed as me. He always starts out there but once I fall asleep - he migrates to the couch. (Sad truth - some people have VERY congested sinuses throughout their pregnancy - I am such a person). On the weekend, he naps as well because he is a light sleeper and I know I snore loud. Here is a picture of him napping the other day. Since he doesn't like his picture taken, I had to sneak up as if I was a wildlife photographer. It is not easy to sneak with a big belly.

4) I hope there are no complications with the c-section. I am hoping it is a smooth as my pregnancy. For that matter, I hope that the first few months of motherhood will be like my pregnancy. (This is a hope list - I am aware that some of these things might not happen).

5) And last and this one is not that important - it is quite vain. I hope that I can fit into my regular clothes within the year. I'd really hate to buy a new wardrobe. I really liked the clothes I had. But like I said - this is really not an important hope item. That's why I listed it LAST. I just got a double BOB stroller to help facilitate my return to my wardrobe and transport these little ones with ease.

Darren and I are just curious as to what their little personalities will be. Baby Boy has stubbornly remained in the transverse breech position for the last few months. Since he is baby A (the baby who comes out first), he is the one who calls the shots in the delivery. Some might think it would be a doctor but that is not the case. I wonder if this is an indication of a stubborn personality? Baby girl however, has been very flexible. She initially moved to the correct position (vertex) and then followed her brother's example and is now currently transverse breech as well. So maybe we will have a sweet baby and a sassy baby? I'll let everyone know if a few months. Once I get a better feel on our babes and parenthood. :)