Saturday, February 16, 2008

Disneyland Pass

I think as residents of Southern California, we have an obligation to visit the happiest place on earth. Often. As annual pass holders, we try to sneak away often to visit a ride or two and then maybe get some dessert at The Jazz Kitchen on our way out. The secret? Only go for an hour or two in the wintertime and park in Downtown Disney. The Annual Pass? One of the best investments we have made.

Here is a picture of us in front of It's A Small World After All.


Katie said...

OK, so you just left me a comment on my blog and i had no idea who it was from because the name was "About Us". As I'm reading your post I notice at the bottom is said it was posted by "About Us"! I'm glad I figured it out, haaha! I wish I could go to Disneyland...You two look so happy!

Angela Baird said...

Darren are you kidding me? You have turned into such a romantic. All of those sit down talks at P 5 finally paid off. Nice work on the perfume. Fun to run into your blog... We are serious bloggers ourselves. Check us out at P.S. Your house in Magna has flooded... you better get a plumber out there quick. Ha! Mike Baird and Fam.

Angela Baird said...

Our blog is actually See what a serious blogger I am ... I don't even know my own site address. Miguel Baird

kristy said...

Ok, Mark & I just joined the season pass holders club and I'm hooked! When can we join you? (minus the ride, since they won't let me w/my big belly) A Bug's Land is Rowan's favorite, he cries when it's over. He cries for the "Wee" (the lady bug spinny ride... like the teacups but for the little guys).